Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Adventure in 2013

I resolve to seek adventure in 2013. Whether it's traveling the internal crevasses of my mind or crossing the Atlantic to lands unknown I am going to open myself to any sort of adventure that comes my way. This perspective even includes the way I dress as expressed by the sensibility of two young designers, Stella Jean and M.A. Lake of Boxing Kitten (Stella Jean was born in Haiti and raised in Roma. Lake was born in Brooklyn and grew-up in New Jersey) . Both women mix pattern, scale, and color. Both women embody a style embedded with  multiculturalism and a 1950s feminine design. Both women utilize traditional African fabric or Veritable Wax Hollandaise.

Travel with me to Western Africa for an explanation. Traditional African fabric is a batik. Industrial batik is complicated magic that begins with patterns created in wax placed on cloth, which are then immersed in dye, usually indigo. The cloth pieces not covered in wax absorb the dye, allowing a basic pattern to emerge. The fabric passes through machines which break off the wax; since the wax breaks arbitrarily, each piece of fabric is unique. The fabric is then pattern-printed with one to three colors anywhere from one to three times (Steinglass, Matt).  No one creates this textile better than the Dutch company, Vlisco, founded in 1846, which has dominated the African market since the late 19th century. Yes, that's right. A Dutch company creates fabric for the African market not the reverse.

I'm ready for the visual feast. Get ready to be impressed by these women's use of batik, color, and adventurous pattern combinations. Bon Voyage!

What fantastic and unexpected combinations. I am an undying fan of these textiles.

Photos: 1st 2 photos from Boxing Kitten FW 2011 collections
              3rd photo from Boxing Kitten SS 2013 collection
              4th photo from Boxing Kitten FW 2012 collection
              5th photo from Boxing Kitten SS 2013 collection

Stella Jean rocks! I love the preppy striped Oxford paired with the African-inspired skirt. Gorgeous!

Love the 50s-inspired design.

Photos: from 2011, 2012,  and 2013 Stella Jean collections, stellajean.it



  1. These fabrics are gorgeous! I love the riot of color.

    1. Both Stella Jean and M.A. Lake's collection are infused with brilliant color. I agree, Shan, they are wonderful.
